Innkeepers are a busy bunch. To save you time, VLA attends Governor Scott’s Covid-19 press conferences and takes notes for you. Below is the summary from 2/15/22.

Governor Scott and his administration continued the shift away from focusing on Covid-19 related issues and used the press conference to detail his $50.5 million tax proposal.

Secretary French also announced that the Department of Education would be issuing guidance for schools revoking the masking recommendation after February 28 for schools that have reached a 80% vaccination rate.


  • Governor Phil Scott:
    • CDC reviewing Covid guidance.
    • School guidance on masking – team has decided not to delay lifting of masking for schools with over 80% vaccination rates. Will eventually lift masking altogether.
    • Many public guidance experts are recommending that schools move away from mask use. Time to adapt. Need to get back to normal. Time for a shift is now.
    • Some may want to continue wearing masks – and that’s ok.
    • $50 million tax relief proposal includes helping seniors, military pension relief, child care tax credit … will benefit more than a quarter of Vermonters.
  • Commissioner Craig Bolio:
    • $50.5 million tax proposal. Would expand programs, and create new strategic credits and deductions- make Vermont more affordable. Encourage young workers to grow careers in Vermont, seniors to retire comfortably.
    • Expansion of Earned Income Tax Credit. Gov. proposed increasing form 36-45% – match is most generous EITC in country.
    • Significant expansion of child and dependent care credit. Gov. proposes expansion from 24-65% of federal credit and make fully refundable. Would help more than 14k families pay for child care expenses – give one of the most generous credits in country.
    • Increase threshold on SS tax exemption by $30K. Modest expansion – would be more in line with other states and ease tax burden on 30K Vermonters every year.
    • Exempt all military pension from state income tax. VT one of only 3 states that fully taxes this income right now. 70% of military retirees retire between the ages of 35-50. Could support workforce and could bring working spouses and children for schools. Since 2016, population of military retirees in state have been stagnant.
    • Allowing all Vermonters to deduct all student loan interest from tax (currently capped at $2,500).
    • Every RN, APRN, LPN, LNA, Nurse educator – $1,000 annual tax credit.
    • $1,000 fully refundable income tax credit for child-care workers.
  • Secretary Jenney Samuelson:
    • (Reviews tax credit proposals for nurses and child-care workers)
  • Commissioner Mike Pieciak:
    • All states: Covid rates dropping – also hospitalizations and deaths.
    • In Vermont – case rates down 23% over the last 7 days – 760 cases this week.
    • Testing down 6.7%
    • Cases down across all age groups.
    • LTC facility cases down.
    • Northeast – down 29%
    • Waiting for fatality numbers to come down. Should come down over the next two weeks.
    • ICU availability trending down.
    • 7x more likely to end up in hospital if not vaccinated and boosted if contract Covid.
  • Secretary Dan French:
    • Testing – supply for antigen tests for at-home testing for students is stable – so expanding it to independent schools. Assurance testing for teachers – giving teachers and staff two antigen tests/week on a voluntary basis.
    • Testing from Feb. vacation – sending extra antigen tests out this week. Not required for return to school.
    • Masking – Not ready to remove altogether – but will be getting to that point at some point. But guidance is that on Feb 28, no masking if vaccination is 80% or higher in school. Urges schools to revoke more extreme mitigation measures (no talking at lunch).
  • Commissioner Mark Levine:
    • Concern about “health debt” that has grown during Covid.
    • Waning of immunity 4th month after boosters – but still quite effective.
    • New monoclonal antibody approved – VT receiving 100 doses this week.
    • More time for evaluation by FDA for vaccines for those under 5.
    • Will begin posting self-reported tests. Not on case dashboard.
  • Questions:
    • Scott – Will have more data next week on how many schools have reached 80% threshold (may be less than half).
    • Question on disparity of vaccine rates by location – Scott – we need to continue to educate Vermonters. A number of schools will decide on their own to move away from mitigation measures. Levine – still have school base clinics across the states (and other clinics, pharmacies).
    • Question about commemorating losses with rock carvings – Scott- Good idea. Should contemplate.
    • Question re: some municipalities letting 16-17 year olds vote in muni elections – Scott – If something like that is going to happen – should be statewide – but I’m not in favor. Having other discussions in the statehouse with other bills re: brain development in kids.
    • Scott – our tax relief proposal is broader and benefits more people (vs. H.510).
    • Question re: school masking – don’t track cases in schools, how will know if masking affects? Scott – We’ve been focusing more on hospitalizations, but do report on age groups. Pediatric age group rate has dropped and is equal to general population. Levine – Don’t see another variant on the horizon, but everything can change.
    • Question re: Vermonters getting a fourth shot – Levine – Longitudinal studies important. Recent study shows continued but reduced efficacy. Only people authorized for 4th dose are for those who are immunocompromised. Not counseling people who just want an extra dose to get one. We’ll follow the science.
    • Question re: tax credit plan is de facto ongoing expense – concern about ongoing obligation? Scott – it’s strategic…and focusing on young and elderly, making more attractive for people to stay. Seeing a lot of general fund growth. Would like to give tax relief to our overtaxed Vermonters rather than creating new programs.
    • Levine – Contact tracing won’t become obsolete for Covid – core public health tool.
    • Question re: military pension proposal – Scott – military caucus involved, but haven’t heard directly from legislature on position.
    • Question re: indoor sport masking – French – contemplating… Also interest in shifting to education recovery – includes mental health and staff wellness.